Sunday, April 01, 2007
Barcelona, Spain, 31 Aug - 7 Sep 2006: Sardana
Catalan Circle Dance
A world removed from Spanish flamenco, Sardana - Catalonia's languorous folk dance - is the political symbol of Catalan solidarity and pride. On weekends, Sardana aficionados gather at Barcelona's Barri Gotic, eagerly waiting as the cobla, an amateur orchestra of usual brass as well as some other unusual instruments, gets ready. The cobla leader, a feisty silver-bearded gentleman, plays the piccolo-like flaviol to signal the start of the dance. |
As the music swells, dancers link hands to form circles. These gradually enlarge as more people join in. Feet point, hop and skip in tandem to the repetitive shrill declamations from the band, responding with gusto and inborn instinct to the music's abrupt rhythmic punctuations. Deceptively simple, the dance steps can be tricky for the uninitiated. Notice the series of short steps, then a big sidestep to the left, and the long steps after the thematic transition. |
At the periphery of the main ring, dance connoisseurs form exclusive tight rings. Brows knitted, eyes closed, foreheads uplifted and toes pointed, they celebrate the apotheosis of the Sardana spirit, dancing beautifully in perfect unison. For them, Sardana is religion. Novices are brusquely brushed off. Be warned. |
Labels: Barcelona, dance, music, people, religious site, Spain
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"the cobla, an amateur orchestra"?¿?¿?"
No, a Cobla isn't an amateur orchestra. It's a very specific orchestra, with some well-known instruments, as trumpet and trombone, and other specific Catalan instruments: Flabiol i Tamborí, Tible, Tenora, etc.
You cannot play these instruments if you don't have gone to a music school! There are very difficult to play... as an example, Flabiol i Tamborí: you have to play the flute with the one hand, and the drum with the other.
Salutacions des de Catalunya.
No, a Cobla isn't an amateur orchestra. It's a very specific orchestra, with some well-known instruments, as trumpet and trombone, and other specific Catalan instruments: Flabiol i Tamborí, Tible, Tenora, etc.
You cannot play these instruments if you don't have gone to a music school! There are very difficult to play... as an example, Flabiol i Tamborí: you have to play the flute with the one hand, and the drum with the other.
Salutacions des de Catalunya.
Thanks for your comment. The orchestra was indeed very dedicated, skillful and proficient. The cobla leader really ran a tight ship!
Greetings from Singapore
Greetings from Singapore
Hi There, we are starting a non profit web site on circle dancing. Could we have permission to maybe use one of your photos,Catalan Circle Dance.
Michael McGahon
Michael McGahon
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